FAQ’s on Services


Weed Control and Fertilization

  1. What makes Our Lawn Program Stand out?

Our weed control and fertilizing program is a custom blend created and tested in Cranbrook yards. We have been developing a program that hands down beats the competition’s. Our holistic approach creating optimum health gives us the best long term results.

Our goal was to make our customer’s lawn do our advertising for us. We want a thick healthy lawn with sustained colour all year.

2. How many treatments do I need?

If you want to ELEVATE your lawn, 4 treatments yields the best colour and thick lawns. If you have an irrigation system, we strongly recommend 4 treatments due to the increased possibility of nutrient loss.

We accommodate custom programs with frequency of 2, 3, or 4 times a year.

3. Are the lawn treatments safe for Pets?

Absolutely the treatments are safe for pets. Pets are allowed back on the lawn once the applications is dried. After that, they can roam around worry free.

4. Does the lawn treatments harm bees?

Nope. They may be sad to see no dandelions in your yard, but it is perfectly safe for bees.

5. Why can I see small weeds in my lawn if they are being treated regularly?

Our treatments have only had an effect on fully leafed weeds.  If a weed grows a new leaf or germinates a day after we treated, it will grow until our next treatment.  That is why having treatments every 4-6 weeks ensures the weeds don’t get bigger than one month old.  Weeds grow fast especially in hot, well irrigated lawns and in two weeks after we arrive weeds can be the size of a toonie.

Active new weeds means you have a healthy lawn where plants will like to germinate.

If any larger weeds after one week exist after a treatment, we will do a touchup spray to correct it with no charges or questions.


1. What do I do to prepare for the blowout

i: If the shut off is inside the house, turn it off when you get the notification we are coming at the latest.  This does not involve the timer.  It is a valve that controls the water to the irrigation.  After we have blown out the system, you may need to bleed out the line from the inside to fully winterize your system.  If the irrigation is controlled by an outside tap, we will turn off on arrival.

ii; Turn timer to off.  Do not unplug the timer as you will lose all erase the programming. If you have a hose timer system, undo the timer and bring it inside for winter. 

2. What do I have to do in spring?

i;Turn the water on.  

ii; Test all zones using the timer.  

iii; Program the timer.

3. One of my zone’s keeps running even though my timer is off?

One of the valves potentially is manually open in the valve box.  Open the valve box, the solenoid is the part of the valves with wires attached to it.  Turn to the right to close.  

If you are unable to close the valve, book an irrigation service appointment and we will close it.  

i; If it was left open from a blowout, this service is free of charge.  

i: If the valve is stuck open through wear and tear, diaphragm failure, or debris stuck in the valve, it will be billed as a normal irrigation service.

4. One of my irrigation rotors/spray heads doesn’t pop up

One common problem is a broken black elbow below the rotor/spray head.  When turning it on, it will flow from underneath the rotor and potentially partially through the rotor/spray head.  Most likely it is a broken black elbow called a Marlex elbow.  These elbows are built very thin to break so the expensive parts don’t.  This is not caused by the blow out process.  

Common causes of broken elbows

i; leverage on the rotor caused by vehicle driving on top of rotor/spray head

ii: snow shovel hitting rotor

iii: heavy clay soils shifting with frost layer will break the elbows

iv; high water pressure when turning on system caused by slopes or operating beyond recommended psi.

If this happens when turning it on, we recommend replacing it with a white schedule 40 street elbow.  These elbows can withstand more force and impact and are much more likely to winter without issue.  We replace hundreds of them every year.  If you are unable to perform this repair, please contact us and we will fix the repair.  This repair is not covered under the blowout warranty.